Welcome Fans

I know there has been a lot of talk about Willa not being outgoing and friendly with her fans; this is not true. She's just one who values her privacy.She does respond to tweets on Twitter on occasion and is always very nice when she does. She's also into music/acting for the love of music/acting itself, not for the money or fame. She's a real musician/actress, and is passionate about it, and that's one reason I look up to her. She's real and not fake like a lot of these musicians and actors out there now.Willa also does interior design as well now,her work is amazing!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just a Welcome To Our French Followers/juste un souhaiter la bienvenue à nos partisans français

vous remercie de votre visite sur notre blog, nous mettons à jour aussi régulièrement que possible avec toutes les nouvelles choses que nous entendons parler Willa, si vous avez des commentaires ou des questions n'hésitez pas à poster pour les poster, et encore une fois vous remercier pour l'arrêt par

thanks you for visiting our blog,we update as regularly as possible with any new things we hear about Willa,if you have any comments or questions  feel free to post to post them,and once again thank you for stopping by


  1. thank you for your help and putting your skills in being bilingual to use,I really appreciate
    it french kitten

    je vous remercie pour votre aide et de mettre vos compétences à être bilingues à utiliser, j'apprécie vraiment il françaises chaton

  2. I too would like to say "Bonjour" to our French friends!
