Welcome Fans

I know there has been a lot of talk about Willa not being outgoing and friendly with her fans; this is not true. She's just one who values her privacy.She does respond to tweets on Twitter on occasion and is always very nice when she does. She's also into music/acting for the love of music/acting itself, not for the money or fame. She's a real musician/actress, and is passionate about it, and that's one reason I look up to her. She's real and not fake like a lot of these musicians and actors out there now.Willa also does interior design as well now,her work is amazing!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Couple Of Quick Notes On Willa's Pregnancy

Willa was kind enough to answer my tweet,which i retweeted one of her tweets and quoted"I Wonder What She's Having.. she came back and replied that they aren't going to find out until the baby gets here.Also,according to her most recent tweet,she is 6 months pregnant you can see the pic (so cute willa!) HERE 

Wishing Willa and Ryan the best during this time!❤❤❤

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